Supporting families

Supporting families
We support families living together in their homes often using direct payments or an Individual service fund to build a team of people who they know and can trust to support them and their family member to be safe and healthy.
This may include supporting things inside the home like personal care, medication and movie marathons.
Sometimes getting the bed changed can be a monumental achievement. It can also include getting out the door, either using public transport, the persons mobility car or individual staff cars when possible. This can include overnight support on a regular basis.
Reducing restrictive practice
Regardless of the design of the support, the shape or space of the person’s home, we are consistent in our drive to reduce unnecessary restrictive practices whether that is through regularly reviewing medication or teaching someone how to stay safe on the internet.
Find out how we can support you
Do you have a family member that needs support? Please get in touch to find out how we can help.